Archived Plans

Data Informing School Learning Plan Focus:

Classroom observations and assessments and EQAO results showed a decreased understanding of what is being asked in questions, decreased stamina to continue to work through multiple steps in a question and limited understanding of how to attack a problem.

Math Focus:

We determined that students needed to learn to understand what they are being asked to do in a problem, how to attack a problem and how to select the most effective tool(s) to use to solve a problem. To support students in solving multi-step problems more effectively, our goal is for teachers to use a variety of verbal and visual strategies to support students in understanding problems and selecting appropriate tools when solving problems.
Strategies Selected to Support our Work:

1)  (Descriptive Feedback) Teachers will provide timely and descriptive feedback to assist students with problem-solving opportunities.2)(Direct Instruction) Teachers will provide direct instruction, large, small group and individual of verbal and visual strategies to teach students. These will be posted and referred to routinely.3)  (Self-Verbalization and Self-Questioning) Students will be taught directly self-verbalization and self-questioning techniques and outwardly express their thinking and learning. 4) (Problem-Solving) Teachers will select specific verbal and visual strategies to introduce with their students, teach the strategy then monitor the strategy to assess its effectiveness.
Staff will be involved in Professional Development on the following topics: 

1) Analyzing student work using CASL Framework2) Developing Learner profiles3) Self Verbalization and Visualization techniques4) Selecting tools to support problem-solving5) Exploring ways of being more intentional during consolidation when teaching problem-solving. French Sc  hool  L earning Plan (SLP):   

Based on class observations and student work, supporting students’ self-confidence in speaking French and integrating strategies to increase oral production were identified to be the area of focus for the French SLP.  Strategies and professional development sessions would focus on the following:a) Differentiated and multi-modal strategies to support vocabulary development (supporting students' access to information, building their schema)b) Differentiated interaction strategies to support increased student talk (supporting students' oral production)
Student Well being Plan:

Data Informing Student Wellbeing Focus:Last spring our students in Grades 4 - 6 completed the “Our Schools” survey and "Connectedness and belonging" was one of the areas that students identified as needing improvement. To address this  ,  using a school-wide survey, we gathered information from students, staff and parents about our school climate and ways we can continue to support an inclusive and welcoming school where all students felt safe, represented and a strong sense of belonging. In gathering the perspectives of the stakeholders, we learned when and where the stakeholders felt or did not feel included and represented within our community. As well, we identified what we believe belonging looks, feels and sounds like within various areas of the school. Eg., classroom, office, playground, staff room etc. We used the Equity continuum as a lens to assess our look fors. The second concern that was raised was regarding the areas of self-regulation and building healthy relationships. Parents had indicated in the school-wide survey on belonging that they had some concerns with their children being bullied and issues being handled inconsistently. In addition, from behaviour tracking with office incidents and in-class assessments, staff determined that self-regulation was an ongoing need for the students. 

Student Well being Plan Focus:

From the data, we identified the following themes: building healthy relationships, consistency of practice/using common language, and establishing a more welcoming and inclusive environment.  The two goals we decided to focus on this year are as follows:(a) If we model and promote inclusive, safe and supportive class and school environments, students will see themselves and their cultures reflected in the school community and feel more welcome, connected and an increased sense of belonging.(b) If we teach students different strategies for becoming more self-aware and responding positively when facing conflicts, THEN students will become more effective at managing their emotions and taking responsibility for their actions.  
Strategies to Support our Work:

1. Staff will be engaged in professional development on the following topics - Building Healthy Relationships, Supporting Different Perspectives and Developing Common Language and Consistency of Practice. As well, we are in the process of developing a toolkit of resources to assist teachers and students with developing healthy relationships.
2. School-wide activities focused on being inclusive, understanding differing perspectives and bullying prevention have been initiated. Orange Shirt Day, Canadian Difference Makers - in honour of Black History Month, Pink Shirt Day activities are some examples and these initiatives include school-wide assemblies, in-class activities and interactive inquiry focused bulletin boards where the themes identified above are explored. 
3. Character Assemblies: Our character assemblies have been valuable in terms of encouraging the use of a common language school-wide, as well as reinforcing the sense of belonging to Chapman Mills. For example, our school-wide focus on Pink Shirt Day (bullying prevention), Canadian Difference Makers for Black History Month and Orange Shirt Day (teaching about perspectives and being inclusive.
4. Understanding Bullying: Through discussions with students and parents we learned that we needed to do more work in “unpacking” what bullying means. So we will be engaging in a series of activities with our staff, students and parents, to create a common understanding of bullying, as well as continuing our work on how to manage conflict using the WITS program. 

5. Friendship Hour: Students will be engaged in a series of lessons schoolwide dealing with building healthy relationships. Topics such as feeling excluded,  exploring commonalities and differences, using “I” messages when in conflict, understanding someone else’s perspectives, will be included. These lessons will directly support our work on bullying.
6. Self Regulation Strategies: With our kindergarten classes we are working to implement Above the Line and Below the line as a strategy to support self-regulation.  As well, w  e have introduced Social Thinking and Mindfulness in some of our primary and junior classes.

When students understand mathematics, they are equipped with knowledge they can bring to every aspect of their lives. Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math is a tool kit for parents. It provides modules with simple, but effective methods and materials for parents. It shows you how to get involved in your children's learning, and offers guidance for working with students of different ages. This Parent Tool Kit was developed by experts in mathematics education, with input and advice from parents and students.
 (from School Council Update#17 12/01/2018)