School Bus Loop:
The CMPS school bus loop on Leamington Way will be closed to cars from 8:15 am to 8:50 am and from 2:45 pm to 3:15 pm. The safety of our students is our top priority and we appreciate your support in this effort. A those times the bus loop is being used exclusively for the school busses.
Families using EDP may continue to use the bus loop before 8:15 am and after 3:15 pm. Remember, stopping and U-turns are not permitted on Leamington in front of the school. The fine for stopping is $120. For safety reasons, the staff parking lot remains closed.
There is no Parking in the Fire Zone - A reminder to parents that the right hand side of the loop at the front of the school is dedicated to emergency vehicles only. Please use the 20 minute parking spaces provided on the left hand side of the loop. No cars should be parked on the right hand side of the bus loop.
Thank you for your cooperation. Let’s work together to keep students safe.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
The “Kiss and Ride” area is located in the drop off lane on Leamington Way
beside Foot Guards Park.
- Kiss and Ride is supervised from 8:15-8:30 am
- Kiss and Ride use is only for students who can get out of the car on their own. At no time are parents permitted to park and get out of their vehicle. This is a “drop and go” zone. Children must only open the door on the right hand side of the car to exit, even if there are multiple children in the car as we do not want students stepping out into traffic.
Morning Arrival:
We encourage our students to walk to school if they are not eligible for bus service. Parents who choose to drive their children may use the new “Kiss N Ride” drop off lane on Leamington Way. Parents may need to find a parking spot on one of the side streets and have their children walk to school.
We are also opening up the side gate (just off Chapman Mills Drive - weather permitting) and the gate at our back field, to make it more convenient for walkers, depending on the direction they are coming from.
- Kindergarten students must be walked onto the yard and dropped off at the fenced Kindergarten Yard at the back of the school. For safety reasons, once the students are dropped off, parents are asked to promptly leave the yard.
- Parents of students in grades 1 to 6 who walk their kids to school are to drop off students at one of the gates and should not be entering the school yard area.
- The gates to the school yard will be closed at 8:30am, when school begins. Any arrivals after 8:30am are considered late, and are to report to the office to collect a late slip.
- Parents are encouraged to get their children to school by 8:15 to avoid being late.
- Supervision of students on the yard is from 8:15 to 8:30 am.
- Please use the parking on the streets outside of the Kiss and Ride zone if you wish to walk your child to the school gate.
Afternoon Dismissal:
- Parents of Kindergarten students are to pick up their children from the Kindergarten yard at the back of the school (the same location they are to be dropped off).
- All other students will be dismissed from the back yard as normal. Parents can meet their children at back of the school on the basketball courts. Parents may want to discuss alternative meetings spots for their children (where age appropriate).
- Students and their families are asked to leave the school yard by 3:15 in order to provide yard access for our Extended Day Program Students.
Traffic - Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Please take care while dropping your children off at Chapman Mills, especially during this winter season. We are taking many precautions to ensure your children are safe while walking to the playground. Please be patient with other drivers. Remind your child to cross at the crosswalk, not between cars.
School Parking Lot:
Just a friendly reminder about cars in the school parking lot. To keep our children and families safe while walking to and from school, we ask that you DO NOT drive into the parking lot. Thank you for your support.