Transportation Updates

The Ottawa School Transportation Authority (known as OSTA) coordinate all of the bussing for the yellow school school busses that serve our school.

Phone number:  613-224-8800


General Transportation Info

OSTA Frequently Asked Questions

Transportation – Finding Info over the summer

All transportation route schedules will be posted on the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) website by mid-August each year.

If you qualify for a school bus you will be able to find your child's stop information at that time.

It shows bus stop and route information for eligible students who are assigned to regular “yellow school bus”.

The routes have been set up with the information you provided the school when you registered. If that has changed you need to contact the school office to update the information, this also includes changes in attendance at after school programs.

Keep in mind that it can take 3 to 5 days for the change to take effect.

How to find the bus stops and times:

Go to:

Select Parent Login

A student information form comes up, enter your child's information and  Click Login

If you qualify for a bus, your busing information should come up.

Transportation Services to Students in Joint Custody

The Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) has a policy and procedure to deliver transportation services to students in a joint custody arrangement and having two homes. Both homes must be within the attendance boundary and eligible for transportation. A formal application process requires that both parents and/or guardians sign the application and schedule.

Confederation Education Centre

1645 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, Ontario K2G 1W2

Tel: 613.224.8800 /Fax: 613.224.8840
ZONE: Centre West 

Weekly or bi-weekly access schedules may be limited to ensure student safety. Other safety and operational risks will be assessed prior to approval or denial of each application. The deadline for applications to ensure transportation as of the first day of school in September. All other requests will be processed after the middle of September.

All documents (application, transportation schedule calendar, FAQ, policy and procedure) are posted online: Variable Transportation for Students in a Joint Custody Arrangement and Having Two Homes

Transportation Issue Form

A Message from OSTA

Dear Families,

OSTA (Ottawa Student Transportation Authority) has been receiving an unusually high number of emails and has asked that if you have a question or concern about bussing, please complete the Transportation Issue Form rather than sending an email to OSTA.

This form will be prioritized over email and will ensure a much quicker response.

Thank you