Please be sure to review all of the information listed below:
If your child is absent OR will be late for school;
Chapman Mills PS is now using an automated student absence system called Safe Arrival to report student absences.
Please report your child’s absence by calling the interactive toll free number: 1-833-202-1417 or by logging into the School Messenger App or Web Portal. All methods are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Families can find instructions to these by clicking on this link: New Safe Arrival System-Reporting An Absence. Click here for FAQ's Safe Arrival FAQ's
For students in Grades 1 to 6 the day is set up like this:
8:15- 8:30 |
Yard Supervision |
8:30 – 10:30 |
Learning Block (120 Minutes) |
10:30 – 10:55 |
Recess (25 Minutes) |
10:55 – 11:15 |
Nutrition Break (20 Minutes) |
11:15 – 1:15 |
Learning Block (120 Minutes) |
1:15 – 1:40 |
Recess (25 Minutes) |
1:40 – 2:00 |
Nutrition Break (20 Minutes) |
2:00– 3:00 |
Learning Block (60 Minutes) |
3:00 |
Dismissal Bell |
**NOTE** If you are new to BALANCED SCHOOL DAYS please make sure to send food for 2 separate eating opportunities, also remind your child not to eat all of the snacks in one sitting.
Dear Parents:
We are very grateful to receive financial support from parents through school fees. For the upcoming school year, school fees will continue to be directed towards supplies and extracurricular activities targeted at enhancing students’ school experiences.
The school fee is optional and should you wish to contribute, online payments are encouraged as School Cash Online is our new online payment system. Click on this link to register then click on “Get Started”. Many of you have already registered and can access “Sign into your Account” If you are unable to pay online, cash or cheques will be accepted. The school fee is $20.00 per student. Opportunities to access all programs, activities and school resources will continue to be provided to all students. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at (613) 823-3336.
Thank you for your support.
If you are new to the school you will need to create an account that you will have for all of your years at this school.
This system is in place to have a cashless system for paying for field trips, school fees and the milk program etc.
Here is the link:
School Supply Lists
The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has developed a common list of recommended personal use items for students in grades JK-3 and grades 4-8.This list of supplies is strictly voluntary; parents/guardians are not required to purchase or provide items listed.As a result, it is a parent/guardian’s choice to send the following items for use by their child for the first day of school in September.
Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3
- 12 pencils (not required for Kindergarten)
- 2 erasers (preferably white
- 1 package of crayons
- 1 package of coloured pencils
- 1 package of coloured markers
- 1 metric ruler (not required for Kindergarten)
- 1 pair of blunt scissors
- 2 glue sticks
Grade 4 to 6
- 12 pencils
- 2 erasers (preferably white)
- 1 package of coloured pencils
- 1 package of coloured markers
- 1 metric ruler
- 1 pair of blunt scissors
- 2 glue sticks
- 3 ball point pens
- 6 duotangs
- 1 calculator
- 2 packages of 3-hole lined refill paper
- 2 highlighters
- 6 lined notebooks
- 1 geometry set
- 3 binders
- binder dividers
Snow Day Procedures
Please keep this information close at hand for reference
If buses are cancelled:
PARENTS OF WALKING STUDENTS MUST call in their absences.
Please call 613-823-3336 press 1
PARENTS OF BUSSED STUDENTS do not have to call in their absences as it is assumed that they will stay home.
In the event of a major snow or ice storm, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board will ask the local radio or television stations to announce bus cancellations by 6:15am:
This information will also be available on the Transportation website:
When buses are cancelled in the morning, schools remain open. However, buses are cancelled the entire day. If you choose to bring your child to school, please be aware that you will need to return to pick them up at 3:00 p.m. PLease let your child know what the end of the day plan is.
Thank you