Snow Day Attendance Procedure

Snow Day Procedures

Please keep this information close at hand for reference

If buses are cancelled:

      PARENTS OF WALKING STUDENTS MUST call in their absences.

      Please call 613-823-3336 press 1

      PARENTS OF BUSSED STUDENTS do not have to call in their absences as it is assumed that they will stay home.

In the event of a major snow or ice storm, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board will ask the local radio or television stations to announce bus cancellations by 6:15am: 

This information will also be available on the Transportation

When buses are cancelled in the morning, schools remain open. However, buses are cancelled the entire day. If you choose to bring your child to school, please be aware that you will need to return to pick them up at 3:00 p.m. PLease let your child know what the end of the day plan is.

Thank you

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