Balanced School Day
For students in Grades 1 to 6 the day is set up like this:
8:15- 8:30
Yard Supervision
Entry Bell
8:30 – 10:30
Learning Block (120 Minutes)
10:30 – 10:55
Recess (25 Minutes)
10:55 – 11:15
Nutrition Break (20 Minutes)
11:15 – 1:15
Learning Block (120 Minutes)
1:15 – 1:40
Recess (25 Minutes)
1:40 – 2:00
Nutrition Break (20 Minutes)
2:00– 3:00
Learning Block (60 Minutes)
Dismissal Bell
**NOTE** If you are new to BALANCED SCHOOL DAYS please make sure to send food for 2 separate eating opportunities, also remind your child not to eat all of the snacks in one sitting.